Wonderings, ponderings, hopes, dreams, thoughts and prayers of an Uncomfortable Christian.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Cleaning up
My room is not the only place that I am disorganized. I get behind on my schol work, I forget to do things for my worship team, I leave things I need at home when I am out. I find however that when my room is clean all these other things fall into place. It is easier to get my work done, and I remember things better.
I think it's like my relationship with God. When it's cleaned-up it all seems so much easier, then when their is a mess. Because sin just gets in the way, is meeses the place up. Gossiping on the table, laziness on the floor, resentfulness on the back off the chair. It gets to a point where I can't even get to the bed, the place of rest and peace where God is sitting waiting to have a conversation. And if I can't make it their the conversations end up simply being a raised voice trying to cover the distance.
Cleaning my room as actually become a type of worship to me. Because as I work alone, with my music tuned up, God comes and keeps me company. As I pick the dirk clothes off the floor, He takes the resent of the back of the chair, when I put my books away on to the selves, He clears the gossip of the table. We end up being a pretty good team.
Speaking of which maybe my room is in need of a little cleaning.
try and find your own way to clear out the mess. Because it's at the heart of LIFE.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Supporting our Churches
Hey, today I want to talk about one of the weakness in the Catholic Church. I used to be evangelical, I even went to
Alright I know that this is not a general catholic problem, but it seems to be a pretty serious one in
In the Old Testament it was a Law for the Jews to tithe, because they had to take care of the dwellings of God (temple), as well as the keeper of His house (the priest). We do not find this command in the New Testament, however we do hear Paul referring to taking up collections for the work of the saints. He also says that we must be joyful givers, not resentful of what we “give-up”.
So how about today, should we be tithing? I think it is time that we really look at what we give to the church. Is our Sunday pocket change actually able to support our churches? Well it is at least something to think about. Remember Worship is at the heart of life.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
The Power Problem
You know power is a stange thing. I think I am only starting to figure out the human desire for power. For example you look at Genesis Chapter 2. You got Adam and Eve in the Gaden of Eden, they've been given everything they could ever need, but that wasn't enough. No they wanted to be like God, they wanted the power. So many people have told me that the original sin was lust or lack of obedience but a disagree. I really believe that the original sin was pride and the desire to be in charge. let's start at the beginning.
You have the serpent who is the adversary. Then their is the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. The serpent says that the tree will give them the power to judge what is good and what is evil, so that they can be like God. The eating of the fruit, symbolizes the making of a covenant will the serpent. The story continues with the consequences of these actions. Eve is told that she will desire her husband and that he will ruel over her. The ultimate battle of the sexes right? But this was not God's plan, God created them equals, Adam himself said she is like me (bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh), but God says that because they both took the fruit desiring to be powerfull they will both continue to desire to rule over each other.
Now what am I getting at? well it is about figuring out how to live a life of WORSHIP. Knowing the backround to why you sometimes to silly or stupid things is important. But what is even more important is to realise that it is not the human condition to be power hungry individuals, no that is not what we were created to be. God then made them clothing out of animal skin, this is the first blood sacrifice, the first time that we hear about an animal dying for the sake of God's children.
In a world where we all want to be in control, and we all want to hold power even if it is just a little, we need to remember that this desire is what started it all, it's what seperated us from God in the first place.