Hey everyone,
Well at this point everyone seems to be limited to my faithful friends the Barrett girls. That's ok I can deal. I have great plans for you, plans for you to prosper.
Well I am working on a couple of topics to share about but they aren't quite ready yet. Now I coul dmake them ready, but for some reason I am completly unmotivated to do so. You see I feel unmotivated to do pretty much anything right now. I am I kind of person that when one thing is not quite right then nothing is quite right. I am a all or nothing type of person. Which is why everything I do is intensified, I am extreme, in faith, in school, with friends and within leadership roles. This can be a good thing but it can also be distructive. Because I can be extreme in a good sence or extreme in a bad sense. beginning to see the problem. I have a paper due in about 45 minutes and it is no where close to being finished. And instead of doing it I am kicked up into extreme denial mode.
This extreme thing also affects my life of worship. I just got off an incredible retreat weekend, where I deepend some friendships and made some new. I was pumped up with the Holy Spirit and felt a calling of leadership to minster. I had a blast. Now I got to spend alot of time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and while living in this small area for a couple of days my faith was in extreme mode. But that is the problem. Just because I am on a weekend should not mean that my faith increases or decrease, it should remain constant.
I am beginning to see and learn that consistency in my actions are important, that the extreme ends I seamed to live are destructive. Now I think it is time to be consistent and get some work done, enough to be able to hold on, without making it easy to become inconsistent.
Living consistently (Psalm 51:10), that is at the heart of a life of Worship.