World Youth Day 2008 is over, with lots of up and it's share of downs. Here is a sort of recap. For the World Youth Days accomidations my group was lead to the olypic park in sydney, then onto the DOME, where we sleept on solid concrete for 5 straight nights. We got used to it over time but never did get enough sleep. However that could have been because of the early morning cathecisms that my group lead, and the late night youth festival events that I just didn't want to miss.
A little on the cathecisms. We were given a stadium as our location the first day we cleared 3000 pilgrims. I ran and danced as I got people up on their feet to sing nad dance along with the choir. The third day was a little more frustrating. You see, we couldn't give the words out for the songs because of copyright issues, so the pilgrims were depending on learning small amounts of words in order to join is. Now up beat wordy songs not bad because they can still dance and do actions, but quiet wordy songs just put people to sleep. The choir director was worned about this problem but didn't change her song outline. I had to run extra hard, and put so much more energy into it to make sure everyone didn't just fall asleep. However My efforts were rewarded as pilgrims and pilgrim leaders asked to have pictures taken with me. God came through and the people left happy, and full of the spirit.
The youth festival was awesome. I, of course choose all the praise and worship events. In the 3 days I saw teh Matt Maher's band, Fr stan the rapping fransiscan, hillsong and much more. I danced, I jumped, I sang and I praised God, until my legs hurt and my throat gave out.
The stations of the cross were beatifully done. They acted in out and Jesus travelled through the streets to various places where different stations would unfold. MY group where stationed in the garden of gethemany, watching Jesus in the garden and the arrest. We watch the rest of it on big screen.
The next day we walked for just over 3 hours to ranwick, where the vigil would take place. The vigil was beautiful lookign at all the candles lite up was something else. However my experience was kind of interupted as we realised that one of our guys had there bag stolen. I eventually found it abandoned by the bathrooms, where some cold pilgrim had taken the pants and blanket out before discarding it. It was cool however the manor in which I found it. I prayed that God made me look to my right where I bag was there unattended. God is good.
it was a cold night, but we all got through it, and in the morning the Pope rewarded us all by driving all over the stadium in the pope mobil;e the next morning. He went by my groups twice, I even got a vidoe of it.
We are now in a youth hostel, ready to enjoy a bit of sydney before we go. However the pilgrimage of faith did not end with the mass. We saw 24 young people being confirmed by the pope and we all reafirmed our baptism. We have "received power, when the Holy spirit" came upon us, and now we will be "witnesses".
Returnign to the roots, our baptism, that is at the heart of our worship.
Wonderings, ponderings, hopes, dreams, thoughts and prayers of an Uncomfortable Christian.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I will not be getting in a habit of one a day, but I have a little time and alot to share.
Today I went out on the great reef barrier, the 7th wonder of the world. And now I know why it is considered a wonder. I got suited in a wet suit with snorkel gear and stuff and sliped out the back of a boat into thousands of miles of water. As I got acustom to the different breathing style a very large and very colorful fish swam by about 2 yards away from me. Then I got into it. I was one of the first people off the boat at both stops and I was among the last to reboard. I loved it. I daw thousands of fish small and large, some yellow, some red and some a brillant blue. The ocean was captivating.
I watch coral move and flex as fish nibbled and the currant moved, I watch other coral reflex itself shut for protection. It was beautiful. it was an experience that I could never put down into words.
I experienced God in a new and stunning way today, but in a very simple manor; by watching.
I watched fish swim and eat and hide and move, I watched coral change color, move and stay still, and and watched people getting excited at the beauty of it all. Sometimes I had to watch one fish for a really long time before I could get the picture I wanted, but patience will bring about the desires of my heart. I have alot of pictures of sand, cuz the fish swam away, but perserverance will make me a better follower of Christ.
Stop. just watch. You might see something that you never saw before. You don't always need to be acting in order to learn and grow, sometimes you just need to watch.
On the boat ride home I found myself up on top of the boat with miles of ocean on every side thinking of the beautiful world that God has created for us. Right as I was about to sing God of wonders, I saw a whale. I do not remember that last time I got so excited. And again all I had to do was watch.
So stop, wait, and watch. God has something to show you, sometimes it is spetacular, and sometimes it is simple, but it will always be beautiful when you expereience God.
Waiting and watching patiently and with perserverance; that is at the heart of worship.
Today I went out on the great reef barrier, the 7th wonder of the world. And now I know why it is considered a wonder. I got suited in a wet suit with snorkel gear and stuff and sliped out the back of a boat into thousands of miles of water. As I got acustom to the different breathing style a very large and very colorful fish swam by about 2 yards away from me. Then I got into it. I was one of the first people off the boat at both stops and I was among the last to reboard. I loved it. I daw thousands of fish small and large, some yellow, some red and some a brillant blue. The ocean was captivating.
I watch coral move and flex as fish nibbled and the currant moved, I watch other coral reflex itself shut for protection. It was beautiful. it was an experience that I could never put down into words.
I experienced God in a new and stunning way today, but in a very simple manor; by watching.
I watched fish swim and eat and hide and move, I watched coral change color, move and stay still, and and watched people getting excited at the beauty of it all. Sometimes I had to watch one fish for a really long time before I could get the picture I wanted, but patience will bring about the desires of my heart. I have alot of pictures of sand, cuz the fish swam away, but perserverance will make me a better follower of Christ.
Stop. just watch. You might see something that you never saw before. You don't always need to be acting in order to learn and grow, sometimes you just need to watch.
On the boat ride home I found myself up on top of the boat with miles of ocean on every side thinking of the beautiful world that God has created for us. Right as I was about to sing God of wonders, I saw a whale. I do not remember that last time I got so excited. And again all I had to do was watch.
So stop, wait, and watch. God has something to show you, sometimes it is spetacular, and sometimes it is simple, but it will always be beautiful when you expereience God.
Waiting and watching patiently and with perserverance; that is at the heart of worship.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
The Little Crab that Really Could
Good Day,
I know I haven't blogged in a while, but today I have something special. I am writting to you from Cairns Australia. I with 7 of my friends decided to come here to World Youth Day together.
Three years ago I decided to have no money so that I could afford this trip, and now the experience begins. For those of you how don't know WYD is the largest gathering of youth in the world. Mostly catholic young people from around the world come together to learn, to grow, to experience, to share and to worship. In about a week we will all come together from different areas of the country in Sydney, where we will be joined by Pope Benedict 16th. I am totally excited.
So far we have been here for 3 days and we have already experienced so much. After 48 hours of travelling we made it.
I think now of how incredible our God is. I am amazed at the beautiful and perfection of His creation. He has made everything work together in such a beautiful and self preserving way. I have now seen the rainforest, the oldest in the world, in three different ways. We walked through it during the day learning about these ancient trees that are sometimes not much taller then me. Then we went through it at night, hearing and seeing some of the most interesting animals. Then I flew through the top canopy looking down at the rainforest floor on a zip line.
Then I swam in a little fresh water hole in the middle of the forest, a little oasis.
All this got me thinking of how God's planning is so detailed and intricate. There is a little crab that lives in the rain forrest and this little species is responsible for the greatest eco systyem in the world. These little guys dig mini holes in the ground which is mostly mud, very thick mud. These holes allow the roots of the trees to breath much needed oxingin that they need to survive. Then the tree in trun hold the ground together stabilizing the earth to its best ability. The plants and trees that grow take in water and purify it. The water then flows into the ocean, has crystal clean water, which then helps thousands of organisms to grow and live. The eco system created and sustained by these little crabs, is the Great Barrier Reef.
It is incredibule that God put a little crab in charge of so much. And He does the same with us. Sometimes we feel small, and unable, and then God comes in and gives us a job that we think is to large for us to handle. However if we start the work, He strengthen us, like the trees, He guides us, like the ground guides the water, He protects us, like the plants purify the water, and he makes us shine, just liek the Barrier Reef.
Let us be willing to begin the task that are so much bigger than us and trust that God will make it all fall into place.
It is beautiful here, and I am loving every second. And mom don't worry the guide wouldn't let me jump out of the boat to restle the crocodile.
Take the challenges God gives you, no matter how big they may seem, just like that little crab; that is at the heart of our worship.
I know I haven't blogged in a while, but today I have something special. I am writting to you from Cairns Australia. I with 7 of my friends decided to come here to World Youth Day together.
Three years ago I decided to have no money so that I could afford this trip, and now the experience begins. For those of you how don't know WYD is the largest gathering of youth in the world. Mostly catholic young people from around the world come together to learn, to grow, to experience, to share and to worship. In about a week we will all come together from different areas of the country in Sydney, where we will be joined by Pope Benedict 16th. I am totally excited.
So far we have been here for 3 days and we have already experienced so much. After 48 hours of travelling we made it.
I think now of how incredible our God is. I am amazed at the beautiful and perfection of His creation. He has made everything work together in such a beautiful and self preserving way. I have now seen the rainforest, the oldest in the world, in three different ways. We walked through it during the day learning about these ancient trees that are sometimes not much taller then me. Then we went through it at night, hearing and seeing some of the most interesting animals. Then I flew through the top canopy looking down at the rainforest floor on a zip line.
Then I swam in a little fresh water hole in the middle of the forest, a little oasis.
All this got me thinking of how God's planning is so detailed and intricate. There is a little crab that lives in the rain forrest and this little species is responsible for the greatest eco systyem in the world. These little guys dig mini holes in the ground which is mostly mud, very thick mud. These holes allow the roots of the trees to breath much needed oxingin that they need to survive. Then the tree in trun hold the ground together stabilizing the earth to its best ability. The plants and trees that grow take in water and purify it. The water then flows into the ocean, has crystal clean water, which then helps thousands of organisms to grow and live. The eco system created and sustained by these little crabs, is the Great Barrier Reef.
It is incredibule that God put a little crab in charge of so much. And He does the same with us. Sometimes we feel small, and unable, and then God comes in and gives us a job that we think is to large for us to handle. However if we start the work, He strengthen us, like the trees, He guides us, like the ground guides the water, He protects us, like the plants purify the water, and he makes us shine, just liek the Barrier Reef.
Let us be willing to begin the task that are so much bigger than us and trust that God will make it all fall into place.
It is beautiful here, and I am loving every second. And mom don't worry the guide wouldn't let me jump out of the boat to restle the crocodile.
Take the challenges God gives you, no matter how big they may seem, just like that little crab; that is at the heart of our worship.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thirst for Righteousness
'Therefore confess your sins to each other an pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective'. James 5:16
I wonder how much power my prayers have? I mean I don't feel, or think that I am all that righteous. So does that mean that my prayers are ineffective and weak?
It is strange that today I don't feel as drawn to the first part of this verse, the part that is often suggested to back-up the Catholic practice of Reconciliation. It is the part I used to be most concerned about, but now my questions leave this beginning behind.
Do my prayers have a lesser chance of getting a response when my righteousness has failed? Are my prayers quieter in God's ears? Does He even hear these prayers at all?
This reminds me of the whole; at the hardest times God carried us thing (you can find this theme in the poem footprints ). Maybe when our righteousness fails us, it is the words that we feel the most unworthy to speak that God hears the loudest.
Thirsting for truth, compassion and righteousness; that is at the heart of a life of worship.
I wonder how much power my prayers have? I mean I don't feel, or think that I am all that righteous. So does that mean that my prayers are ineffective and weak?
It is strange that today I don't feel as drawn to the first part of this verse, the part that is often suggested to back-up the Catholic practice of Reconciliation. It is the part I used to be most concerned about, but now my questions leave this beginning behind.
Do my prayers have a lesser chance of getting a response when my righteousness has failed? Are my prayers quieter in God's ears? Does He even hear these prayers at all?
This reminds me of the whole; at the hardest times God carried us thing (you can find this theme in the poem footprints ). Maybe when our righteousness fails us, it is the words that we feel the most unworthy to speak that God hears the loudest.
Thirsting for truth, compassion and righteousness; that is at the heart of a life of worship.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hebrew Bible Questions
Hey, I know it has been a long time (almost a year, ouch), since I have loaded anything here, but I have something to say now so here I go.
I have just started my masters in Biblical Text linguistics, focus on the Hebrew Bible. It is funny, maybe actually strange how the study of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), as actually at times challenged my catholic faith. From the ancient use of the title Son of God, as an adoption formula, to the concept of hero stories, that sheds interesting light on the Nativity Story. I was facing some minus inner turmoil concerning these breaches in my faith understanding.
Last night I was having a conversation with a friend who was talking about a peer of hers that she enjoys listening to because he only speaks of the big truths when it comes to faith. That comment actually made me worry a little. I was like, how can I take any one's word when it comes to truth, especially when they are as inexperienced in life as I.
Wondering how these two fit together, well it has to do with a newer philosophy of mine, that is to hold fast to the better truth, and trust God for the rest. An explanation; study presents some difficulty when seeing the nativity as an actual event as the Bible tells it. But what is important about this passage. First that Jesus became Human, that could be the best truth that the story portrays. Location, visitors, journey those are not necessarily literal, but does that change the best truth that Jesus is Human, I don't think so.
So the best truths that I have learnt so far,
We are called to Love,
God created in Love,
Jesus came to Love,
Jesus died for Love,
Jesus rose because of Love,
The Holy Spirit guides us to love.
Searching for the best truth, and trusting God for the rest, that is at the Heart of Worship.
I have just started my masters in Biblical Text linguistics, focus on the Hebrew Bible. It is funny, maybe actually strange how the study of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), as actually at times challenged my catholic faith. From the ancient use of the title Son of God, as an adoption formula, to the concept of hero stories, that sheds interesting light on the Nativity Story. I was facing some minus inner turmoil concerning these breaches in my faith understanding.
Last night I was having a conversation with a friend who was talking about a peer of hers that she enjoys listening to because he only speaks of the big truths when it comes to faith. That comment actually made me worry a little. I was like, how can I take any one's word when it comes to truth, especially when they are as inexperienced in life as I.
Wondering how these two fit together, well it has to do with a newer philosophy of mine, that is to hold fast to the better truth, and trust God for the rest. An explanation; study presents some difficulty when seeing the nativity as an actual event as the Bible tells it. But what is important about this passage. First that Jesus became Human, that could be the best truth that the story portrays. Location, visitors, journey those are not necessarily literal, but does that change the best truth that Jesus is Human, I don't think so.
So the best truths that I have learnt so far,
We are called to Love,
God created in Love,
Jesus came to Love,
Jesus died for Love,
Jesus rose because of Love,
The Holy Spirit guides us to love.
Searching for the best truth, and trusting God for the rest, that is at the Heart of Worship.
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